Envision a 2-day experience to help you get FEARLESSLY CLEAR on the path to your speaking goals!
Join NSA Carolinas in Wilmington, NC for it's 1st-ever goal setting retreat and set yourself up for the best in 2024 and beyond. We've never done this before and we're so excited to offer you this immersion experience!
Only 25 seats available!
Description: We know you've got goals—and we want to help you make them happen. But here's the thing—most of what we think we know about goal setting doesn't work.
That's why so many of us struggle with New Year's Resolutions! We get tripped up in execution, paralyzed by the questions of “how do I start” or “what should I do next,” and then we lose traction when life gets in the way.
And what's worse — even though we're working hard, we don't seem to get any closer to our most important goals.
Not anymore. It's not just GO time; it's GOAL time. And NSA Carolinas wants to help you start 2024 being FEARLESSLY CLEAR!
Join us for a transformational weekend facilitated by Dr. Sarah Glova, a business journalist who's dedicated her life to telling the stories of accomplished entrepreneurs and innovators. She'll share her research with our chapter, after years of studying how different people accomplish incredible goals—getting you the information you need to make your goals a reality.
Those who attend will be part of an intimate group of your most successful NSA Carolinas peers for a weekend full of resource sharing, breakout sessions, mastermind groups and actionable ideas to help you discover your goal potential - both personally and professionally in your speaking business.
Ready to brainstorm with fellow speakers and walk away with action steps? You’ll get a chance, thanks to innovative breakout sessions designed to help you take these messages and run with them — alongside your fellow NSA members. Small groups will also be encouraged to continue the conversation and support after this event concludes for additional accountability, support and community.
Gift yourself this chance to craft a clear path to your goals. Set yourself up with goal-setting strategies that actually work. And draft a plan for your best year ever!
No matter what your goals are, this workshop will help you get clear on your North Star and your Next Steps.
Only 25 seats available!
Location: Embassy Suites by Hilton Wilmington Riverfront (9 Estell Lee Pl, Wilmington, NC 28401). NSA Carolinas will receive a special room rate and the link will be sent to all registrants.
After registration, you will receive a planning survey to assign you to the appropriate breakout group. There will be some pre-work to ensure you maximize this experience!
- 2:00 pm Welcome reception
- 2:30 pm KEYNOTE #1: "Clarity Unleashed"
- 3:30 pm Breakout session #1
- 5:00 pm Power Hour reception
- 6:30 pm Dinner (included w/ registration)
- 8:30 am Breakfast (included)
- 10:00 am KEYNOTE #2: "Writing Your Path
- 11:30 am Lunch (included) and breakout session #2
- 2:00 pm Breakout session #3
- 3:30 pm Mastermind set up | closing
If you've got speaking goals, NSA Carolinas will help you achieve them. This is your moment -- join us and get FEARLESS in 2024!
Have questions? Email our Fearless Facilitator, Sarah Glova, at sarah.glova@reifymedia.com or NSA Carolinas at infonsacarolinas@gmail.com.