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NSA Storytelling Contest (Deadline to compete)

  • December 20, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Primeau Productions (501 Richardson St. Suite D, Simpsonsville, SC 29681)


The greatest speakers are also the greatest storytellers!

On March 16, attend our first-ever NSA Storytelling Competition!  

NSA Carolinas is thrilled to host its own Chapter Contest on March 16, 2024 in the inaugural NSA Storytelling Competition. On that date, 12 contestants will compete and ONE will be crowned our NSA Carolinas chapter winner. Our winner will then advance to compete further in the Storytelling Regional Contest

The winners from each of the 3 Regional Contests (3 Regions = 3 Participants) will then advance to compete in the National Contest held LIVE on the INFLUENCE Conference mainstage August 3-6, 2024!  The audience will select the Storytelling National Champion! 

** Our NSA Carolinas contest will be held IN-PERSON on Saturday, March 16, 2024 @ 12pm at the Primeau Productions studio located in Simpsonsville, South Carolina!  (501 Richardson St. Suite D, Simpsonsville, SC 29681)

How were contestants selected?  Throughout Fall 2023, we communicated a December deadline date to register as a contestant. 

Is it too late to register and compete?  If you want to compete this year but missed the prior December deadline to register as a contestant, unfortunately we are not accepting new contestants at this time unless a current contestant cannot compete.  Please register for the event as an Attendee and indicate on the registration form you would like to be on the Waitlist to compete.  

Whether as an Attendee or Contestant, we hope you will join us to experience this special event on March 16 and witness masterful storytelling!  

General NSA Storytelling Competition Rules, Regulations & FAQs:

  • NSA Carolinas membership is required to participate,
  • CPAE recipients are considered “Elite Speakers” and do not qualify to compete,
  • Each participants story is limited to five (5) minutes, from first word to last word,  
  • A story that is over time (for example, 5:01 minutes) will be disqualified,
  • $100 registration fee to compete in the Chapter-level contest,
  • Each speech will be professionally recorded by Primeau Productions and every contestant will receive their recording (a great value for the $100 registration fee),
  • Chapter-level judge selection will be anonymous and at the discretion of the NSA Carolinas leadership team,
  • The winner of the Chapter-level contest will be announced at the conclusion of the in-person event on March 16, 2024,
  • NSA Carolinas will inform and pay the Regional Fee for it's Chapter-level contest winner to advance in the Regional Contest,  
  • The NSA Carolinas winner will be assigned a Mentor to review and enhance their story and a final Regional entry video will be submitted by April 12.

Story contestants will be scored on three tracks: Marketability, Impact, & Presentation.

For a copy of the full Rules, Regulations, & FAQs as well as the Judge's Guide and Scoring Sheet, click here

 2024 NSA Carolinas

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