NSA Carolinas Quarterly Retreat: A Weekend Dedicated to the Eloquence of Professional Speaking
Jan. 24th and 25th | Embassy Suites (Concord, NC)
Don't miss this two-day immersive retreat.

Retreat Emcee - Tara Brown
Introducing our Emcee for the Retreat: the beloved, award-winning Comedian, Humorist, and Speaker, Tara Brown! The most recent winner of the esteemed Jeanne Robertson “Comedy with Class” Humor Competition, Tara has also made her mark on platforms like Dry Bar Comedy, “Stand Up Nashville,” and even the high seas aboard Carnival Cruise Line. Her signature charm and quick wit are sure to light up our event.
Tara’s accomplishments span a wide spectrum—she’s delivered laughter to corporate heavyweights like Belk, AvidXChange, and Ally Bank, while also uplifting impactful non-profits such as the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Charlotte and Shades of Pink Foundation. She’s no stranger to inspiring audiences at organizations like Greater Steps Scholars and The WICT Network: Carolinas, showcasing her limitless ability to connect through humor.
Her acclaimed keynote talk, “Aging Gracefully with Humor: The Hilarious Journey of Getting Older,” has earned praise for its relatable, authentic insights, and Tara has also helped other speakers and groups infuse their presentations with humor.
With Tara at the mic, prepare for a delightful mix of laughter, heartfelt connections, and moments that might feel like she’s been peeking into your life. Relax, but don’t get too comfortable—Tara’s comedic style will keep you engaged and ensure this Retreat is as memorable as it is entertaining!
The Neuroscience of Increasing Your Impact with Your Presentation - John Edwards, CSP
1) Understanding how to leave your audience wanting more.
2) Neuroscience-based strategies to captivate any audience.
3) Practical insights using content from members in the room.

Don't just inform your audience; move to inspire them and leave them craving more. Join us and take a step towards a future where your calendar is filled with repeat bookings and glowing referrals. We will cover tips and strategies on how you can use neuroscience to improve your impact on an audience.
John has held leadership roles in several Fortune 100 companies. He has been training speakers globally for over two decades and is an expert in applied neuroscience. He was most recently the Faculty Chair at the famed NeuroLeadership Institute. He is a CSP and speaks to 50-60 audiences each year. John and his team make 0 cold calls each week because 97% of his business comes from referrals and repeat customers.

Huge IMPROVement - Pat Dwyer
For over 20 years Pat Dwyer has inspired and entertained hundreds of audiences around the world.
He has worked, toured and performed with comedic institutions The Second City, iO Theater, Comedy Sportz and a great number of other storied improv and sketch comedy mainstays. Pat joins these experiences with the entrepreneurial and corporate growth mindset he earned during his tenure as a leader within the Chicago tech startup community.
You can now find Pat bringing his energetic, hilarious, seasoned and people driven approach to Innovation and Change.
Improve Your Storytelling with Secrets from the Fiction World – Allie Pleiter
What does the world of fiction have to teach a speaker? A lot!
Let bestselling novelist and NSA speaker Allie Pleiter show you tricks from the fiction craft that can capture your audience's attention and emotions.
You'll come away with strategies that will take your story from merely entertaining to significant and memorable. Great storytelling makes a great speech—and a speaker who will be booked again and again.
Session Outcomes
1) utilize fiction skills such as dialogue, foreshadowing, and description to enrich your speech
2) learn the best place to start a story so you capture your audience's attention
3) know how to tell a highly emotional story effectively
Credentials & Bio
- NSA Chapter Leadership Committee Chair-Elect
- Bestselling and award-winning author of over 60 published titles
- 1.8 million books sold around the world
- Northwestern University-trained actor
- Author of The Chunky Method Handbook, How To WRITE When Everything Goes WRONG, and Writer Crisis Hotline

Sharon Delaney McCloud
Like it or not, you are now a broadcaster. As a professional speaker, you're expected to deliver programs on-camera with poise and confidence. During this practical workshop, learn the tips and tricks that Emmy Award winning broadcaster and speaker Sharon Delaney McCloud uses to captivate and engage virtual audiences so you can make an impact. From pre-planning to tech to what to wear on camera, you'll deliver like a pro during your next virtual engagement.
Speaker Credentials:
Emmy Award winning television broadcaster with 25 years experience as an anchor, reporter and emcee; Professional development facilitator delivering 50+ virtual programs a year
Sharon Delaney McCloud calls herself a citizen of the world. She’s the daughter of Irish immigrant whose adventures led to them to Kenya and Tanzania where Sharon was born and lived as a young child.
Her travels took her around the world as a member of the Department of Defense’s
U.S.O. program before Sharon began her career as an Emmy Award winning television journalist covering everything from NASA to healthcare to the Super Bowl. Now, she works with executives and teams on developing their leadership and resilience skills through the power of the spoken word.
As the mother of three, Sharon considers that job her most important as she attempts keep all the balls in the air in our fast-paced lives. She’s a TEDx Speaker, cancer slayer, Olympic Torch Bearer and a communications pro who inspires audiences on amplifying their impact in business and life.

Lauren Ansley
Networking Eloquence: Making First Impressions That Speak Volumes
As professional speakers, we’re often equipped with lengthy bios that highlight our accomplishments and expertise. But in busy networking events, first impressions are made in seconds, not paragraphs. In this interactive session, we’ll explore how to craft a concise, compelling self-introduction that sets you apart and sparks meaningful connections. Through fun, facilitated networking activities, we'll refine and practice introductions in real-time while building stronger connections with your fellow attendees. You’ll leave with actionable tips and the confidence to make every interaction count.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the key elements of a concise and engaging self-introduction tailored for networking events.
- Easily and succinctly answer the classic question, "So, what do you do?"
- Practice delivering a self-introduction that highlights your unique differentiator and leaves a memorable impression.
- Apply structured networking techniques to foster meaningful connections and increase comfort in busy networking environments.
This interactive session will include:
- Guided self-work on crafting your introduction.
- Opportunities for peer feedback in small groups.
- Facilitated networking rounds to practice and refine your introduction in a fun and supportive environment.

Lori Shandle-Fox
With her business, Laughing Is Conceivable...And Humor Heals, Lori combines her backgrounds as an anxiety and depression survivor and former humor writer and performer to present coping tools in an entertaining, approachable way. She helps organizations attract and retain amazing talent by tangibly, consistently demonstrating they have their emotional back.
"Grace Under Pressure: Mastering Life’s Pressures When We’re Not in the Spotlight So We Can Shine When We Are” – A Conversation Between Lori Shandle-Fox and Tara Brown
Life doesn’t stop throwing challenges our way, even when we’re called to step into the spotlight. From personal stress to unexpected obstacles, we’ve all faced moments when showing up at our best feels daunting. Yet, the ability to deliver with confidence and authenticity remains essential.
In this session, we’ll explore practical strategies and tools to help you rise above emotional challenges and perform at your peak, no matter the circumstances. You’ll learn:
- Techniques to ground yourself and regain focus in high-stakes situations.
- How to turn vulnerability into a connection tool that resonates with your audience.
- The mindset shifts needed to compartmentalize personal struggles and stay present.
- Tools for recharging and maintaining long-term resilience.
Whether you’re leading, speaking, or presenting, this conversation will equip you to handle tough emotions with grace and consistently show up as the impactful, confident professional you aspire to be.
**Don't miss out - seating is limited.**
Event Details:
- Theme: Eloquence — Mastering the art and craft of presenting and performing
- Location: Embassy Suites Charlotte Concord Golf Resort & Spa Hotel (click here for room block link); 5400 John Q. Hammons Drive NW, Concord, NC 28027
- Dates: January 24th & 25th
Registration & Cost
Registration includes access to all sessions over two days, dinner on day one, breakfast on day two, and lunch on day two.
Current Members: $197.00
If you're a member of another NSA Chapter, or a member of NSA National, we're happy to extend our chapter rate to you. Check out the NSA Member (Any Chapter) Rate (also $197).
Guests: Member Bundle, $350.00 (Includes registration AND a one-year Annual Membership to NSA Carolinas)
Seats are limited, so secure your spot today and be part of this impactful retreat that will shape the future of professional speaking!
2:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. - Welcome & Introductions
Mary Elizabeth Murphy & Tara Brown
2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Networking Eloquence: Making First Impressions
That Speak Volumes - Lauren Ansley
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. - Break
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. - Improve Your Storytelling with Secrets from the
Fiction World - Allie Pleiter
4:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Break
4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Grace Under Pressure: Mastering Life's Pressures
When We're Not in the Spotlight So We Can Shine When We Are - A Conversation Between
Lori Shandle-Fox and Tara Brown
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. - Reception
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. - Dinner
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - Breakfast in the Hotel Atrium
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Huge IMPROVement - Pat Dwyer (Remote)
11:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. - Break
11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. - Like It or Not, You Are Now a Broadcaster
Sharon Delaney McCloud
12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Lunch and Auction
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - The Neuroscience of Increasing Your Impact With Your Presentation - John Edwards, CSP
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Closing - Larry Long, Jr., Tara Brown and
Mary Elizabeth Murphy