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Messages from our 2024/2025 Chapter President, Larry Long, Jr. 

January 2025

Kicking Off 2025 With Growth & Impact!

Happy New Year NSA Carolinas!

Hope you’re feeling great, as we kick off 2025 with a fresh, and refreshed slate of opportunity and potential ahead…for both Growth and Impact!

My hope is that you’ll reflect on the power of new beginnings. Whether you’re an experienced speaker, or just starting your journey into this amazing profession, the start of a new year is a perfect time to realign goals, revise your vision, reignite your passion and recommit to your purpose…as we seek to make meaningful impact through our words.

Our Theme for 2024/2025 is ‘Swinging for The Fences,’ and my encouragement is for you to keep coming to the plate, sharing your stories and lessons, to inspire action, elevate humanity and lead lasting change. NSA Carolinas is dedicated to helping you hit ‘home runs’ by providing you with content, programming, tools, resources and community to help elevate YOUR professional speaking business to new heights!

Please be sure to explore our website for the latest and greatest news and updates. We thrive as a chapter because of YOU –  your energy, expertise and commitment to raising the bar as a professional speaker for yourself and your colleagues.

Let’s make 2025 about supporting each other, sharing keys to success and leveraging the power of our vibrant community.

Excited to see you THRIVE in 2025, making this a year to remember!

All the best, continued success, joy and fulfillment! 

December 2024

Sales, huh? 

The BUSINESS of Professional Speaking = SALES

“I thought I signed up to be a professional speaker, not a sales professional!!!”

If I had a nickel for the number of times I’ve heard professional speaker colleagues mention these exact words, or share similar sentiments, I’d be RICH (and not just in happiness & joy, like I am now…although that’s priceless).

Please, make no mistake, the business of professional speaking = a sales role, and I encourage you to fully embrace it!

Please, make no mistake, the business of professional speaking = a sales role, and I encourage you to fully embrace it!

Yes, you can certainly try outsourcing, having someone else attempt to sell you, on your behalf, hire a speaker’s agent, sales rep, and/or work with a speaker’s bureau - sounds all fine & dandy, right?

…but, and it’s a BIG BUT!

Can anyone other than YOU…sell YOU… better than…YOU ?!?! My answer is NO!

As professional speakers, there are two (2) major aspects of our industry: 

  1. The stagecraft and opportunity to inspire, educate and connect with audiences as we deliver our message, thought leadership, lessons and stories, and…
  2. The actual selling of our programs which solve real problems, alleviate pains, and serve value to global audiences.

As we approach 2025, I’d like to share some encouragement along with my top ten tips to help you strengthen your business plan. Here’s what I recommend:

  1. Develop a sales plan.
  2. Identify your ideal customer profile (niche).
  3. Clarify your unique value proposition (what’s your differentiator?).
  4. Define your repeatable sales process.
  5. Build your brand and create awareness and buzz.
  6. Build and/or strengthen your digital marketing assets (website, speaker overview, speaker reel, etc.).
  7. Foster genuine relationships and expand your network.
  8. Invest in your sales skills.
  9. Ask for referrals and recommendations (social proof is POWERFUL).
  10. Stay consistent, persistent, and insistent around your vision and goals.

BONUS: Enjoy yourself, trust the process, and learn something new daily. Have a blast along this

fantastic journey!

November 2024

Planning for Tomorrow…TODAY!

The successes we achieve tomorrow will be related to the work we do today... right now!

As a Professional Speaker, what actions are you taking, and what work are you doing to give yourself the best opportunity for the results you desire?

Do you have a clear vision for what you want in 2025?

Have you been filling your sales pipeline/funnel with potential, targeted opportunities and engagements?

Is your Signature Keynote “referable”?

Do you have a strong, and encouraging Mastermind group to challenge, and support you in achieving your goals?

As 2024 winds down, now is the perfect time to sharpen your focus, and lay the groundwork for 2025. This is not just about setting goals—it’s also about being intentional with how we design our business strategies, build relationships, and position ourselves for growth.

I’m encouraging, and cheering you on in your efforts to:

  • Build a better speaker business; and 
  • Become a better speaker.

Our professional speaking industry, and world, are evolving and innovating at a rapid pace; therefore, taking massive action early, planning strategically, and surrounding yourself with a supportive team are essential in order for you to THRIVE.

I strongly recommend you join us on December 6 & 7 at our Quarterly Retreat in Cary, NC as we focus on “Enterprise” for your professional speaking business!

Let’s swing for the fences ⚾️, be proactive and prepared; and map out the Game Plan for success in 2025.

October 2024

The Transformative Power of Global Experience

I recently had the incredible privilege of attending the Global Speakers Summit in Bali, Indonesia. This experience was an awesome reminder of the magic and power that comes with gaining global perspective, expanding horizons outside of our respective bubbles, and connecting with diverse voices and professional speaker colleagues from around the world.

As professional speakers, we often thrive on sharing stories, insights, and strategies that inspire action and change for our audiences; but, sometimes, it is stepping outside our comfort zones, immersing ourselves in different cultures, and learning from our international peers that fuels true growth. The Summit provided an opportunity to intently listen, learn and soak in the viewpoints, perspectives & experiences of worldwide colleagues.

Similar to those found locally within NSA Carolinas, as well as nationally within the greater NSA Community, the relationships developed from in-person events and interactions present opportunities for partnership, collaboration & engagements globally.

The wisdom gained, knowledge exchanged, and diversity of thoughts were a great reminder of the benefits of engaging beyond borders to build a better speaker business and become a better speaker.

I encourage you to explore the world outside of your immediate bubble as well ... get up and get out! Let's continue expanding our reach and embracing global learning, all in the spirit of sharing a powerful message to others in the world!

All the best, and here's to making a positive Global Impact!

September 2024

Now, more than ever, the value of Community, Connection, and True Collaboration has never been clearer.

Here are two quick stories that highlight the incredible power of community and the importance of genuine connections:

Recently, I returned from an engagement in Scottsdale (or should I say "HOTTSDALE" with those blazing 104° temps ), where I had the absolute joy of dining with fellow professional speakers, NSA & Black NSA members, and former NSA staff the night before I spoke. Words can’t fully capture how much that gathering filled my cup — the confidence, energy, and excitement I felt from networking and bonding with peers in the area was just priceless... read more.

The week prior, I had the privilege of being the Day 1 Opening Keynote and Day 2 Closing Keynote in Myrtle Beach. Having several NSA Carolinas members in the audience, including Mary Elizabeth Murphy and Heather Hansen O’Neill, along with another member who made a special trip just to support, made all the difference. They snapped action shots and cheered me on, and their encouragement truly lifted my spirit.

The simple nods of support, well-wishes, and kindness from fellow NSA Carolinas members are invaluable. My hope is that every member gets to experience the same sense of camaraderie and belonging that I’ve been so fortunate to enjoy. In my experience, what you gain from this community is directly tied to what you put into it.

NSA Carolinas Past President, Stan Phelps, is ALWAYS open to meeting (preferably for a 4-hour nature walk … aka golf ⛳️ ), listening, sharing insights, sage advice and guidance. Thanks for always adding to the community SP . Also, those who have been great chatting with our newest members include Past Presidents Jane Jenkins Herlong, Valda Ford, Chuck Gallagher and numerous fellow members like Mitch Savoie Hill, Anton Gunn and countless others.

So, I encourage YOU — yes, YOU — to dive in, get more involved, and actively support NSA Carolinas and your fellow members. It’s only then that you’ll truly feel the magic and power of community and collaboration.

Be well!

P.S. I’m heading to the Global Speakers Summit in Bali, Indonesia from 9/26 - 9/29 . If you’ll be attending too, let’s make sure to connect and expand our global impact together!

August 2024

A couple of years ago, my Coach gifted me the book Three Feet From Gold which highlights the message that oftentimes folks give up and throw in the towel when they are thisclose to success…and the Gold.

In our industry, there can certainly be times when you feel a bit helpless, and possibly even hopeless (maybe that's just been my experience - if you're immune to those feelings, please reach out to me directly and share the key to your success! Haha).

Although we may face challenges and obstacles that test our internal grit, resolve and dedication ... please take this message as a reminder that tough people (that's YOU!) > tough times. You have true power within; and your perseverance - even when the going gets tough - will lead to a wonderful journey filled with learnings and experiences to last a lifetime.

Setbacks provide opportunities for growth, innovation and a chance to spotlight your resilience and bounce-back skills. It is this persistence, even in the face of adversity, which allows you to hone your craft, inspire audiences and make a lasting and positive impact! You're moving forward and taking action (and risks) is a sign of your strength - I applaud you (LOUDLY!)

Please remember, we are on a journey similar to a marathon (“the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Chinese Proverb ), and each step means progress and/or learnings to get us closer to our goals and dreams!

I encourage all of us to keep supporting one another, share our experiences, celebrate victories (both large and small), as it is together where we can overcome any obstacle faced and reach heights never imagined in our respective professional speaking businesses.

NSA Carolinas, our esteemed Board, and me, personally, are here to help - please do not hesitate to reach out if we can support and assist you in building a better Speaker business and/or becoming a better Professional Speaker!

Hang in there ... you've got this!

Kindest regards!


 2024 NSA Carolinas

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