Punch It Up!
Add humor, interaction and flexibility to any program
Whether you have a practiced keynote or have logged miles on your Fitbit facilitating workshops, you can always punch up your content.
Thinking outside of the box can add in joke or two in just the right spot to pull together your message and leave a lasting learning moment for your audiences. More importantly, when your contract calls for X and you are asked to do Y in the last moment, you can laugh it off and be prepared at a moments notice to shift your message’s delivery by time, format, room set up, and even the number of participants. Adding humor to your content, conversations with the planner and “off the clock” dinners and really punch up you and your message, leave a lasting impression and leave you with loyal devoted fans.
Gas Pedal Down: Breakthrough by getting off the brake
Until we notice our behavior patterns, we can’t decide what to keep and what to change. Once this is clear, we will then walk through a step by step process of gathering the right minds, facilitating a challenging and honest process of accountability, and making space for our brand, if not our true selves, to expand our reach and increase our profits.
After hitting a ceiling in her field, Jessica Pettitt, CSP, formed a meeting of minds with Eliz Greene, Gerry O’Brion and Thom Singer, CSP and successfully broke through a stagnate business plan. One year later, all four speakers have felt the impact of a process called Gas Pedal Down.
Any person has excuses for ceilings or barriers that prevent them from experiencing change, achieving their goals, gaining success, growing income and increasing the amount of contribution to the larger community. Bottom line is it does not matter how much experience or money you have in the bank – we could all do and grow more in our businesses and personal lives. Join us and leave with full awareness of how your gas pedal power can get where you want to be, faster.
Meeting agenda:
8:30am Registration & Networking
8:45am New Member and Guest Gathering with Membership Chair, Amy Climer
9:00am President’s Welcome Message / Announcements
9:15am Jessica Pettitt Humor Program – Part I
10:30am Networking Break
10:45am Jessica Pettitt Humor Program – Part II
11:45am Announcements / Chapter Business
12:00pm Networking Lunch
1:15pm Jessica Pettitt Gaspedal Down Program
2:30pm Closing Remarks / Adjourn