We are so thrilled to announce a new, members-only initiative to help you grow your speaking business!! Our Specialty Interest Groups, or SIGs, are designed to support and connect members working on a specific topic area.
Specific groups include:
- Becoming a TEDx Speaker
- Speaker Marketing
- Book Writing and Publishing
- Speaker Websites
- Speaker Demo Videos
- Speechcrafting and Design
- … etc.
For example, if you're working on (or even thinking about) writing a book or becoming a TEDx speaker, then join our Book Publishing SIG or our TEDx SIG.
Already have extensive experience in a specific subject area? Great! We’d love to hear your expertise and tips to help others. A rising tide lifts all ships!
When you join these SIG meetings, you know you will be connected with other NSA Carolinas members who are working on the same focus area and have expertise to share and help. You will be able to learn, ask questions, hear questions and get feedback on any issues or challenges you and other attendees might be facing.
Each meeting will be facilitated by an NSA Carolinas member with seasoned experience on that topic area. Connection is key and these SIG groups are your opportunity to form a community within a community within a niche functional area of the speaking business..
SIGs meet virtually, are complimentary and are for members only. Huge VALUE ADD for membership!
Our Speaker Marketing SIG will be held on Wednesday, May 24th from 12pm - 1:00pm via Zoom. The session will focus on LinkedIn as a marketing tool for speakers and will be led by a seasoned marketing expert, Barbara Rozgonyi, our VP Membership Experience!
Attend and come ready to share your top strategy and your toughest challenge about using LinkedIn … and have your own profile ready to share as well!
Those who attend will leave with an updated look, new ideas, and an expanded LinkedIn network!
The Zoom link will be included in the registration confirmation and reminder emails.